Panoramix: accelerating First Patent Filings with Added Matter

Panoramix: accelerating First Patent Filings with Added Matter

Panoramix: accelerating First Patent Filings with Added Matter

See how Panoramix, a leading innovation-driven IP law firm, reduced patent drafting time by 50-60% thanks to Added Matter. 

See how Panoramix, a leading innovation-driven IP law firm, reduced patent drafting time by 50-60% thanks to Added Matter. 

See how Panoramix, a leading innovation-driven IP law firm, reduced patent drafting time by 50-60% thanks to Added Matter. 

The Added Matter tools have already saved us hours on drafting new applications, and on devising potential arguments and amendment proposals in prosecution. The tools complement our forward-thinking approach here at Panoramix IP nicely. 

The Added Matter tools have already saved us hours on drafting new applications, and on devising potential arguments and amendment proposals in prosecution. The tools complement our forward-thinking approach here at Panoramix IP nicely. 

Kevin Hanson


The Challenge 

Panoramix encountered challenges when drafting patent specifications, and when performing initial novelty investigations for budget-constrained clients. These tasks were time consuming and often difficult to complete on low budgets. 

Our Solution 

Specification drafting: Panoramix leverages Added Matter to drastically accelerate the production of first draft applications. Using an input set of claims and an invention disclosure, the process, which typically takes hours, is reduced to just a few minutes. The specifications are drafted with a focus on structure and conciseness and are not padded with unnecessary details often found in other AI-generated content. 

Novelty analysis: With Added Matter’s semantic search capabilities, Panoramix was able to sense check the novelty of a set of drafted claims against existing prior art without incurring the significant costs of a human searcher. 

Responding to Office Actions: Added Matter’s response proposal generator also allowed Panoramix to identify viable claim amendments when responding to office actions. A task which previously took hours, even for budget constrained clients, is largely automated, thereby significantly reducing the costs that clients incur. By drafting multiple amendment suggestions the firm can quickly assess a number of potential response strategies and suggest these to the client, greatly reducing the time and effort typically required for such tasks. 

The results

Thanks to Added Matter, Panoramix saw a 50-60% reduction in the time required to create the initial draft patent specification for use as a first filing. Similar time savings were achieved when responding to office actions. The streamlined processes allowed Panoramix to better serve budget-constrained clients in an efficient and innovative way.

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Added Matter

71-75, Shelton Street

London WC2H 9JQ

United Kingdom

© 2023 Added Matter Ltd.

Added Matter

71-75, Shelton Street

London WC2H 9JQ

United Kingdom

© 2023 Added Matter Ltd.